Top Reasons to Join IsCham:
Business Development
Gain international connections including investment, clients, and partnership opportunities.
Join delegations and exclusive events to promote your business to your target audience
Enjoy exposure on our social media platforms, including WeChat, Weibo, Linkedin, Facebook, Newsletter, and Website.
Sponsorship adds credibility to your business
Specialists support
Receive round-the-clock support from "China experts" specialists to ensure your soft landing in China.
Access to data
Access to an exclusive database of companies, organizations, and key personnel in the Chinese and Israeli markets.
Membership in IsCham will allow you to receive useful and exclusive services in Israel, by our strategic partner ViaMeshi Association (, and other partners (Innonation, Chamber of Commerce, etc.)
Corporate Membership Benefits:
Silver Sponsorship Benefits:
Annual Sponsorship Fee: RMB 25,000 or $3,430 or ILS 13,100
Become a member of IsCham Sponsors Business Club(benefit applies only to sponsoring company's CEO).
Gold Sponsorship Benefits:
Annual Sponsorship Fee: RMB 40,000 or $5,480 or ILS 21,000
Become a member of IsCham Sponsors Business Club(benefit applies only to sponsoring company's CEO).
Elite Sponsorship Benefits:
Annual Sponsorship Fee: RMB 70000 or $10,470 or ILS 35,700
Become a member of IsCham Sponsors Business Club(benefit applies only to sponsoring company's CEO).
Become a member of IsCham Advisory Board.