
IsCham provides unique opportunities to meet one-on-one with top companies & investors in China-the CIC Forum* will be held on Sep. 26th in Shanghai.

*The China Investment Corporation (CIC) is the largest investment institution in China.

The CIC Forum 2019--International Cross-Border Investment and Industrial Cooperation Conference--will feature a plenary session and four parallel panels focusing on banking and finance, infrastructure, TMT & manufacturing, and consumer & healthcare.

Participating spots are limited. Please contact us for more information.

CIC Forum 2019

Agenda (Preliminary)

Part of Participanting Companies

  • Alibaba-Senior Investment Director 阿里巴巴 资深投资总监
  • Shanghai Construction Group (SCG)-Securities Affairs Representative 上海建工集团股份有限公司 证券事务代表
  • Tsinghua Holdings Co., Ltd-General Manager 清华控股有限公司 总经理
  • COFCO-Party Secretary&Chairman 中粮集团 中粮集团党组书记、董事长
  • EQT Partners Asia Limited-Chairman of Asia Pacific 殷拓亞洲有限公司 亚太区董事长
  • Ping An Trust Co., Ltd.-Manager Director 平安信托有限责任公司 董事总经理
  • New Hope Group-Investment Manager 新希望集团 投资经理
  • Goldman Sachs Group Inc.-Managing Director 高盛集团公司 董事总经理
  • Haier Electronics Group-Deputy General Manager 海尔电器集团有限公司 副总经理
  • Geely Holding Group-Investment Director 吉利集团 投资总监
  • Suning Holding Group-Vice President 苏宁控股集团 副总裁


Shangri-La Hotel, Pudong, Shanghai

No. 33, Fucheng Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai
Shanghai, 中国

如果您有任何问题,请您联系Jingyi DONG

