"Overview of China's Automitive Industry - market insights, challanges and opportunities
Wenqi Zhang
PWC Risk Assurance AUTO TEAM, PWC
Wenqi Zhang has a vast experienc in the Automotive industry, focusing on the digital transformation of automakers and auto parts manufacturers, big data applications, driving safety, and more.
BWV TECHNOLOGY - GATED IMAGING BWV technology provides robust ADAS functionality based on Active Gated Imaging Technology utilizing both a gated imaging sensor and a VCSEL (Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser) technology.The technology encompasses a gated sensor integrated in a camera and a gated light source that are integrated into headlamp or Daytime Running Light (DRL) integration or Front Positioning Light (FPL). HOW IT WORKS The Gated Imaging synchronizes the gated camera and the illuminator pulses, generating a clear image. The captured images enable generating range maps. This Time-Of-Flight (TOF) imaging technology consists of a gated CMOS image sensor with tightly controlled opening and closing times of the sensor’s pixelated gate array. BrightWay Vision的系统能在黑暗和恶劣天气等能见度差的情况下成像。该系统结合CMOS传感器和车载光源,能在0至250米范围内产生清晰的图像。该解决方案将成像范围分割为几个部分,计算机视觉单独分析每个部分并生成图像。这项技术将使AI能够在夜间和能见度较低的情况下工作,甚至可以探测到路上的小碎片。该产品在价格和性能方面都已成熟,有助于自动驾驶汽车和高级驾驶辅助系统在能见度较差的条件下成像。全球领先的OEM和Tier1已对其原型进行了成功测试。
Wenqi Zhang has a vast experienc in the Automotive industry, focusing on the digital transformation of automakers and auto parts manufacturers, big data applications, driving safety, and more.