This is a past event. Registration is closed. View other IsCham events.

All Chambers Networking is back in Beijing! With restrictions slowly lifting the IsCham is proud to be co-hosting the All Chambers Networking event in April at the Hotel Jen Beijing. Enjoy a night of friendly conversation over drinks and canapés. Bring friends, business contacts and professional acquaintances for the opportunity to meet likeminded professionals!

Beijing may feel like a small place sometimes, but far too rarely do we get the chance to interact with those from the other chambers based in the city. Don't miss out on a night of catching up with old friends while making new ones!


  • Non-members

    RMB 260

    Standard Price

    ticket includes 1x drink and canapes

    Buy Ticket
  • members

    RMB 180

    Member Price

    ticket includes 1x drink and canapes

    Buy Ticket


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