
Dear Sponsors, Members and Friends,

We would like to remind you, IsCham together with Shibolet & Co.Law Firm and SIT China is delighted to invite you to an “Outbound Direct Investment & Israeli Innovation“ Seminar.

The seminar will be held on Friday, April 14th, 9AM, at the Shanghai Israeli Business Center located at 14F, 318 Fuzhou Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai.

Please register ASAP (Seats are limited)!

Ms. Michelle Tzhori and Ms. Tamar Chelouche will share their experience and knowledge in the respective subject areas.
Michelle Tzhori女士和Tamar Chelouche女士将会和大家分享她们在该领域相关的经历和知识。

Ms. Michelle Tzhori will talk about the new Outbound Investment regime in China - before and after the New Approval Process and will share practical experience.
Michelle Tzhori女士将会分享有关中国在对外直接投资方面的一系列政策调整,以及与此相关的实践操作经验。

Ms. Tamar Chelouche will talk about How to build a sustainable structure of organizational innovation. And will brief case studies from Israel, China and around the world to understand what stops us and what helps us build innovative organizations.
Tamar Chelouche女士将会分享怎样去构建一个可持续发展的组织创新结构。她还会简单介绍以色列,中国和其他国家的一些案例,去帮助大家理解是什么阻碍了我们及什么可以帮助我们去构建组织创新。

We hope to see you at this fascinating seminar.

IsCham Team

*The Seminar language will be in English. Any issues on registration please contact info@ischam.org
本次研讨会全程使用英语,您注册遇到任何问题请联络 info@sicham.org.
*This is a non-profit event. Entrance fees will be used to cover organizational and operational expenses.
非盈利性活动: 入场费用于平衡活动组织的必要开销


09:00 - 09:30
09:30 - 09:40
Opening speech by IsCham’s Shanghai Branch Manager Mr. Sinai Nissenboim
09:40 - 10:40
Presentation from Ms. Michelle Tzhori about the “NEW OUTBOUND INVESTMENT REGULATION”
10:40 - 11:40
Presentation from Ms. Tamar Chelouche about How to build a sustainable structure of organizational innovation?
11:40 - 12:00
Q & A


  • Ms. Tamar Chelouche (VP Global Innovation at SIT China)

    Ms. Tamar Chelouche

    VP Global Innovation at SIT China


    Tamaris responsible for helping companies to gain value through innovation and delivers, together with her Chinese team, ongoing innovation support to clients. Her motivation, both as facilitator and manager, is to inspire individuals to reach new and inventive perspectives and to enhance their performance by embedding novel innovation solutions. Over the past 13 years, Tamar has traveled the world and partnered with global market leaders such as Bayer (Australia), Coca-Cola (Russia), Mars (Germany), J&J, Pearson and American Water (US). In China, where Tamar currently resides, she and her team work with companies like Haier, Ford APAC and with the Bureau of education of Jiading district of Shanghai, to name a few. Her primary focus is to help embed a culture and practice of innovation across a broad range of organizations from multi-nationals to medium-sized companies and SME's.

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  • Ms. Michelle Tzhori (Esq., Partner at Shibolet & Co.Law Firm)

    Ms. Michelle Tzhori

    Esq., Partner at Shibolet & Co.Law Firm


    Michelle is a partner at Shibolet law firm, and manages the firm’s China practice. Michelle has obtained her legal education from Tel Aviv University in Israel and her MBA degree from China-Europe International Business School (CEIBS) in Shanghai.

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Member Price Complimentary
Member Price (Pay at the door) RMB 100
Door Price RMB 150

IsCham Team

General Manager:
Mr. Moshe Levi
Vice General Manager:
Ms. Isabella Li
Assistant Manager:
Ms. Crystal Liu
Shanghai Branch Manager
Mr. Sinai Nissenboim 
Steering Committee Members:
Mr. Yuval Ben Sadeh, Chairman
Mr. Yishai Aviram, Vice Chairman
Mr. Colin Friedman, Director
Mr. Eyal Shimoni, Director