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以色列文化节 | 犹太光明节活动
Hanukkah Celebration
12.19.(周二 Tue.)19:00-21:00 (18:45 签到)

IsCham and FROOTS Gallery invite you to Hanukkah celebration.
Come light the 8th candle with us, learn about Hanukkah traditions, participate in cultural quiz (with prizes), enjoy Hanukkah traditional food, and sing traditional songs.
Lecture "A bit of light dispels much dark" by the founder of Shofar Zion, Amit Elazar
Hanukkah is a Jewish and Israeli traditional holiday. One of the main aspects of the holiday is light, and we light candles tocommemorate this. In this lecture, we will learn how this holiday is relevant for each individual and how the holiday can be relevant for us in the modern world.



正如犹太哲学家 伊本·帕库达 曾说 “即使是微弱的光芒也可以驱散幽沉的黑暗”。锡安号角创始人安天佑将为大家带来主题讲座,讲座将使用犹太经典解读节日对于个体的意义,以及光明节对个人发展和幸福感的启发。


IBCC- Israeli Business and Cultural Center
No. 3, 798 East Street of 798 Art Zone, No.2 Jiuxianqiao: Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Beijing, China

Please enter from the west Gate num. 4 of 798 on Jiu Xian Qiao Road. Continue straight on the main road, pass the dinosaurs/ UCCA store until you reach crossroad with another gate (718 Cafe on your right side, Joy art Gallery is in front of you on the left side), before passing the gate you should turn left, continue straight until you'll see our center with the Menora and a sign "Israel Business and Cultural Center on the left side of the road. (Approximately the 4th gallery).

See route

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