Event Details

"Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael" (KKL) played a major role in founding the State of Israel. Since its establishment in 1901, KKL has served as a trustee in the name of the Jewish people over the Jewish lands of Israel. KKL owns approximately 12.5% of the total land. For over a century and still today, KKL is in charge of developing the lands of Israel for a sustainable future, supporting national environmental projects, R&D and environmental education.

KKL is Israel's largest and the oldest environmental organization.

KKL is leading the way for a more sustainable Israel. Operations in Israel are concentrated into six main action areas that include:

  1. Forestry and Combating Desertification
  2. Water Management and Wastewater Recycling
  3. Research and Development
  4. Community Development and Periphery Empowerment
  5. Food Security and Renewable Energy
  6. Education

KKL advances relations with countries, organizations and people worldwide that wish to cooperate with Israel to promote environmental projects and knowledge exchange. KKL's partners are spread throughout the globe, each one of them working to advance the principles of harmony between people and their environment in Israel and around the world. KKL has over 40 offices around the world.

This webinar aims to bring awareness about KKL and its activities to Chinese audience. If you are interested in topics of environment, sustainability, new agriculture, water and land, and education, or you're a Israel-lover, please come and join us to meet KKL!

Time: 10:00 am Israel Time (15:00 China Time), Oct 20th, 2020

Language: English (Chinese interpretation is provided)

Zoom Online Webinar


15:00 - 15:15
Opening Words and Introduction by IsCham Chairman
15:15 - 15:25
Greetings by Israeli Minister of Water Resources & Minister of Higher and Complementary Education (Former Minister of Environment)
15:25 - 15:35
KKL Projects in Light of the COVID-19 Outbreak
15:35 - 16:00
Keynote: Get to know KKL
During this session, Dr. Doron Markel, the chief scientist will give a keynote speech about KKL.
16:00 - 16:10
Q&A Session with KKL Chief Scientist
16:10 - 16:20
Sustainable Practices undertaken by ICL
As part of it's commitment to sustainable practices, ICL has undertaken as ambitious sustainability vision for 2030. The vision is comprised of ambitious goals, aimed to impact major challen...
As part of it's commitment to sustainable practices, ICL has undertaken as ambitious sustainability vision for 2030. The vision is comprised of ambitious goals, aimed to impact major challenges facing society and the global environment. These include goals related to greenhouse gases and climate action, renewable energy transition, and circular economy integration and collaborations. In the short lecture, ICL will detail these targets, and the action already undertaken and planned to achieve them.
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16:20 - 16:25
Pitch Session: Watergen


  • Zeev Elkin (Minister of Water Resources & Minister of Higher and Complementary Education (Former Minister of Environment) at State of Israel)

    Zeev Elkin

    Minister of Water Resources & Minister of Higher and Complementary Education (Former Minister of Environment) at State of Israel


    Zeev Elkin was born in 1971 in Kharkov, then part of the Soviet Union (today in the Ukraine), and studied Mathematics at Kharkov University from 1987-1990. In the middle of high school, Elkin began learning Hebrew secretly in the framework of the Jewish underground. In 1989, he established the local Hebrew Teachers Organization, became the Deputy Head of the 100,000 member Jewish Community of Kharkov, and the first and last head of Bnei Akiva of the Soviet Union. Elkin immigrated to Israel in December of 1990 and studied at the Har Etzion Yeshiva until 1995, while at the same time working in the Aliya Department of the Gesher Organization.

    Elkin has a BA in Mathematics from Hebrew University, a MA in the History of the Jewish People from the Hebrew University, and before his election to the Knesset, was at an advanced stage of completing a doctoral thesis at the Hebrew University in the subject of Jews in Islamic countries in the Middle Ages. From 1996-2006 he taught in the University’s School of History of the Jewish People and the School of History, and headed the Chais Center for Jewish Studies in Russian. In addition, he served as an advisor on Russian Jewry to the head of the Education Department of the Jewish Agency.

    Elkin was first elected to the Knesset in 2006, and in the 17th Knesset he served as a member of the Finance Committee, the Education Committee, the Constitutional Committee, and the Immigration, Absorption and Diaspora Committee. In the 18th Knesset Elkin served as Chairman of the Likud Faction and Chairman of the Coalition, as well as chairman of the Sub-Committee on Judea & Samaria in the Foreign Affairs & Defense Committee, chairman of the Land of Israel Lobby, chairman of the Jerusalem Lobby, chairman of the Lobby for Supporting the Diaspora, and chairman of the Lobby for Gush Katif Evacuees. In November 2012, in the Likud primaries, Elkin placed 8th in the party primaries and was appointed Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs in March of 2013, following the general election for the 19th Knesset. Elkin held the post until May 2014, when he was appointed Chairman of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee. In the Likud primaries in December 2014, Elkin placed 7th and in May 2015, following the general election for the 20th Knesset, was appointed Minister of Aliyah and Absorption as well as Minister of Jerusalem and Heritage. In May 2016, Elkin spearheaded the initiative to add the Yisrael Beiteinu party to the government. As a result, Elkin agreed to give up the Absorption portfolio which was transferred to the Beiteinu party within the framework of the coalition agreement. Minister Elkin continues to serve as Minister of Jerusalem and Heritage and a member of the Security Cabinet and in August 2016 Minister Elkin was also appointed Minister of Environmental Protection. In May 2020, after new government was established Minister Elkin was appointed Minister of Higher and Complementary Education and Minister of Water Recourses

    Elkin lives in Jerusalem. He is married with five children.

    (Click the link to learn about Zeev Elkin in Chinese Media CRI)

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  • Doron Markel (Chief Scientist at KKL 以色列国家基金)

    Doron Markel

    Chief Scientist at KKL 以色列国家基金


    Dr. Markel Serves as the Chief Scientist of KKL, deals with all research, and professional perspectives of core activities of the KKL.
    Until lately, Dr. Markel has served as the Head of the lake Kinneret & its Watershed monitoring and Management department at the Israeli Water Authority.
    Prior to his academic studies, Dr. Markel had served as a commander in one of the special units of the IDF.
    Dr. Markel received his doctorate from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 1999. His Ph.D. thesis dealt with the biogeochemical cycles of sulfur and iron in the reflooded Hula wetland, northern Israel.
    Dr. Markel had a mini sabbatical in the Institute of Environment & Sustainability, JRC of the EU, Ispra, Italy, in 2004-2005.
    Between 2008 and 2013 Dr. Markel has represented Israel at the Study Management Unit (SMU) for the Red Sea-Dead Sea Conveyance Feasibility Study, led by the World Bank.
    Dr. Markel serves also as an external lecturer at the geography department of Haifa University.

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  • Yuval Ben Sadeh (Chairman at IsCham)

    Yuval Ben Sadeh

    Chairman at IsCham

    Mr. Yuval Ben Sadeh graduated with a degree in Hydraulic Agro Engineering from Israel
    Mr. Ben Sadeh worked for 18 years as Export & Marketing Manager for one of the leading Israeli companies manufacturing filtration and water systems for Agriculture and industries. During that time, he was in-charge for hundreds of training sessions and qualifying worldwide teams all over the world.
    In 1999, Mr. Ben Sadeh arrived to china first time for market research. He established office and activity for his company and lead a team of distributors all over china main-land
    In 2008, Mr. Ben Sadeh established his own company in China for Water Treatment and Water Recycling. Leading Chinese team and offering to the water environment sector solutions of the most advanced innovative technologies developed in different Israeli universities.
    Among his activities as a service for the Sino-Israeli business community, Mr. Ben Sadeh holds the position of IsCham Chairman
    IsCham – a non-profit organization that its members are companies and people from Israel and from China are active to promote business and culture mutual activities.

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  • Ronnie Vinnikov (Head of Global Resource Development Division, CDO at KKL以色列国家基金)

    Ronnie Vinnikov

    Head of Global Resource Development Division, CDO at KKL以色列国家基金

    Currently, Mr. Vinnikov serves as Head of the Global Resource Development Division at Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael in Jerusalem, after having held key positions for more than 20 years in Israel's venerable and historical National Institutions, among them deputy director of the Eastern Region at Keren Hayesod – United Israel Appeal; senior representative of the World Zionist Organization in the United States and Canada; Head of the Keren Hayesod – UIA Mission at the Embassy of Israel in Russia; deputy spokesman of the Jewish Agency for Israel and more.
    In these capacities, Mr. Vinnikov was instrumental in positioning the organizations in political and community arenas that spanned continents. Ronnie's proven fundraising and management skills are informed by a solid foundation in all aspects of strategic development and global marketing in the non-profit sector and enhanced by a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the Jewish world.
    Ronnie's intercultural acumen and professional expertise contribute to portraying a focused leader, passionate about Israel and the Jewish people and skilled in his capacity to work towards ensuring a viable and flourishing future for both.

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  • Roy Weidberg (Global Sustainability Manager at ICL-Group)

    Roy Weidberg

    Global Sustainability Manager at ICL-Group

  • Ivan Melnikov (Chief Representative China at Watergen)

    Ivan Melnikov

    Chief Representative China at Watergen


    Watergen科技公司成立于 2009年,我们正在通过开创性的解决方案-GENius™技术,把干净、安全的饮用水从空气中带到世界各地。我们的合作客户与伙伴遍布世界各地,包括中国、美国、印度、巴西、印度尼西亚以及澳大利亚等。我们先后在美国、匈牙利以及以色列建立研究机构,通过研究尖端和专利技术,向世界提供了一个丰富的、低成本的、可再生的、新鲜清洁的饮用水来源——大气。

    Watergen科技公司由以色列BIE集团控股。BIE集团是以色列著名商业领袖Mikhael Mirilashvili先生家族企业,其商业版图包括众多高科技公司,创投基金,房地产项目,石油天然气以及基础设施项目,娱乐业和旅游地产。

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